Sara and Lorraine

Sara Lynn Evans is the seventh oldest child and was raised in a rural area near New Franklin, Missouri. From the age of five, Sara has always been a music lover. When she was five she started singing on weekends with the group from her family. When she was sixteen she began performing at an evening club near Columbia Missouri a gig that lasted 2 years. In 1991, Sara moved to Nashville Tennessee with the intention of becoming a Country Artist. Sara performed a sample rendition of Tiger By the Tail, one of Harlan Howard's songs at County Q Studios. Harlan Howard decided that Sara should perform his music. Sara became an RCA artist. Evans recorded Three Chords and the Truth in 1997. The album was well-received by reviewers for bringing back traditional country sounds and was featured on numerous lists of top ten albums of 1997. Unfortunately the album did not make it into the top ten lists of country radio stations of the time, and no single was included in the top 40. Lorraine Bracco..................... Lorraine Bracco is an American actress, known for her notable performance in the television series. The Sopranos. Her professional career started out with modeling and a show business model in France when she moved in France from Long Island, New York. She later ventured into other channels, such as working as an radio jockey in radio Luxembourg. In the latter part of 1970, she make her film debut. In addition, she appeared in a few other French film features. Later on, she moved back to America to pursue a career in Hollywood. She achieved her biggest Hollywood achievement in Goodfellas, for which she won numerous notable awards, among them the Academy Award nomination. Although she began working in feature film and then went on to TV series, and she was a great success.

Sara Sara Lorraine Lorraine Anna


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